Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Day at the Zoo

My one and only picture of me and our Zoo day. And it wasn't even taken at the zoo, but right before we left our hotel. The forecast for the day called for rain, but we lucked out and had a bright sunny beautiful day to enjoy all the animals and being outdoor.
It was great to have friends to go with and enjoy the well as having help with taking care of the boys.
Erika loves to watch Luke and always takes good care of him.
After Luke woke up, he got a little we stripped off his clothes and let him chill in his diaper for a bit while we got some ice cream.

Luke looking cute in his sideways hat.

Here is a Jaguar picture that Jim took
This is a sloth bear
Mariah & Tyler going through a tunnel
Jim and Tyler monkeying around. har har
Group photo of all the kids
Mariah & Tyler on the carousal looking cute
Luke looking goofy
Jim was trying to explain to Tyler where milk comes from and tried to get Tyler to milk the cow. Tyler just checked it out, but didn't attempt to pull on the utters.
Tyler's favorite thing is ice cream (or as he says "ceem-ceem") and he loved that Mariah shared her ice cream with him.
This picture is at the end of the day and Tyler is a little worn out and ready for a nap! His favorite animal was the penguins and he loved that they swam right up and close to him.

September Pictures

I wonder if Tyler remembers the countless hours he spent in his jumparoo.

Luke getting all dressed up to go out to eat with the family
Tyler's first Red Robin experience. He loved the mac & cheese...or course. He also loved to hear the waiters sing the birthday song to people sitting next to us.
Tyler hanging out with his friend Aiden & Dawson.
Dawson giving his cousin Aiden a lift

Luke and his friend Owen. Aren't they cute?! They are a month apart.
This is Tyler's "I am not getting my way" face
Yes he is too big for this toy, but it did keep him entertained for a long while and in one place.
Luke is loving his new toy. & so do I cuz it keeps him entertained while I get some housework done.
GAME DAY! Finally!! Tyler is all ready
Group photo. Everyone is representing.
Luke just woke up & getting all fueled up to watch the game.
check out his Seahawks burp cloth that his granny made.
He's got the hat, ball and blanket...all set to watch the game.
& his jersey on too.

Some serious game watching going on here
YAY Seahawks win their first game!
Luke's got shoes on. I don't know why they make them this small, but he's got a few of them and I thought we minus well put em on and get a picture taken.

Tyler loves doing anything with Mariah, but watching cartoons is his favorite.
Both Luke and Erika got tired and took a nap together on the couch. I don't know how they slept with all the noise.

Tyler's granny made him this cute pajama
Luke & his Dallas cowboy socks and shirt