Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March 2010

Well it's hard to believe it's already March and my last posting was Tyler's Christmas pictures. My goal was to post pictures once a it looks like I need to work on that. These last few months have really flown by and I haven't had my camera with me too much to show what we've been up to. Here are a few pictures...

Tyler's new toy, that has lights and sounds, really captivates him.

Tyler and his cousins watching good ol' Sesame Street.
I guess Tyler thought Olivia's seat was better and went to sit on her lap.
Grandpa holding his grandson & granddaughter.
Tyler quickly noticed the vacant chair w/ the plate of food on the table and climbed his way up the chair to sit and finish my plate of brown rice. I thought it was cute and took a picture.

February 2010

A few of these pictures are from my mom, who watches Tyler 4X a week, and does a lot of scrapbooking. This month was pretty eventful for Tyler...he got his first haircut, courtesy of his dad, and had his first major fall.

Tyler cruising along with a full head of hair...then a few hours later BUZZZZZ
We didn't mean to go so short w/ the trimmers, but once we made a little mistake there was no turning back. The buzzing tickled and made him laugh the whole time, and he liked the way his head felt afterwards.

Poor kid...first we shave all his hair off and then he gets a big skid mark all across his face!

Tyler's disguise until his hair grows back and his face marks disappear.
Still smiling.
This kid loves to climb...I wish I could find some kind of baby lock to go on my table chairs.
1 week later, the scars are disappearing and the hair is growing back.
Jim always makes a comment when Tyler is dressed in a flannel shirt and boots...something about him becoming more Lynden everyday.

January 2010

Tyler rocking the new Batman pj's his Aunt bought him.

1st attempt at push-ups.
gone CrAzY
Tyler wrestling with his cousins.
Tyler with Chase & Auntie Ti
Tyler & Jaden
here with Brayden
And Candace