Monday, March 16, 2009

6 Month Photo Shoot

Last month we took Tyler to get his 6 month photos taken. I think they turned out great and thought I'd share. Lil' man is growing up fast.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tyler & Cousin Kael (3/14/09)

This weekend, Tyler went to see his Grandma Flaherty, cousin Kael, Aunt Dierdre & Uncle Rob. Tyler and Kael spent the day playing with toys, exchanging stares, smiles and some baby talk. They also started learning a little about sharing. Since they share the same birthday they are going to have to get use to sharing!

Tyler & Kael learning to share...

Tyler gets the teething ring from Kael, so Kael takes a bite of his bib...

Then chew on his shoulder...and steels the teething ring back...

Tyler pushes Kael for snatching the teething ring...

Kael keeps the teething ring out of Tyler's reach...

Tug a war...


Kael reaps the reward. Tyler looks up thinking "dang it"

Kael still claiming his victory, while Tyler smiles for the camera.

Tyler and Grandma pose for a picture.

Jim with his nephew and son.

Kael patting his cousin on the back & letting him play with his fish tank.

Tyler sitting with his grandma, trying to help her play Pictionary.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Grandpa D & Lil' T (3/7/09)

Last weekend, I was working on Tyler's photo book and noticed, while doing a page of all his grandparents, that I didn't have a recent one of Tyler and his Grandpa Dykes. So we made a special trip to see Grandpa and got some cute pictures. It was also a nice excuse to leave Tyler with the grandparents as we ran to Wal-Mart. :D

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

7 Months Old (3/6/09)

On March 6Th, Tyler turned 7 months old! Okay, so I must admit, that doing a birthday cake, even if it's just for pictures and only for the first year, is a little insane, but I can't stop now...4 more to go until the real one!

This time we bought him a present. Ya more insanity...but I thought he needed more toys to play with. It turned out that, just like his other toys (not including the excersaucer or jumperoo) he was only interested in it for a couple of minutes. Oh well.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

5 Senses Tag

I’m IT, I’m IT!!! Cadance at TheRowland4 tagged me! This seems fun and a good way to learn more about friends (especially Cadance whom I haven't heard from in a very long time), so i'm going to play along.

HERE’S HOW TO PLAY » for each of the 5 senses, list 4 things you love and 1 thing you hate. Then tag 5 people and leave them a note, on their blog, so they know. Also, let the person who tagged you know when you post yours.

1) Gain or Bounce w/ Febreeze fabric sheets
2) Apple pie
3) Bath & Body Works Coconut Lime Verbena
4) Kendra #9 Hair Spray - smells like cotton candy
5) Hate: Public bathrooms

1) Baby skin
2) TV remote – I must because I’m always grabbing it
3) Money – Just because it’s better than not having any to touch
4) Flannel bed sheets
5) Hate: Bugs - worms

1) Tyler laughing
2) Music – Pretty much all music
3) A fan – Helps me sleep
4) Winter Silence
5) Hate: Alarm clock

1) Cold Stone Creamery
2) Lasagna
3) Homemade bread
4) Chocolate chip cookies
5) Hate: Black licorice

1) Tyler’s smile
2) Beaches
3) My husband in the kitchen cooking
4) A good movie – True Romance w/ Christian Slater and Patricia Arquette
5) Hate: Child abuse

I NOW TAG: Allison, Lydia, Christen, Kate and Vashti

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Working Mom

Being a working mom has it's ups and downs. On one hand, I miss the time I could be spending with my son when I'm at work. Although Tyler's facial expression of pure excitement, when I walk through the door from work, is priceless and melts my heart. On the other hand, it's kind of nice to have a "break" from the chores of diaper changing, bottle feeding, etc. It makes me happy to contribute to the household finance and provide for Tyler. Being away from Tyler, even though it's only for a short time, makes me cherish the time we have together...which is part of the reason it takes me so stinking long to update his blog. I want to give a special thanks to my mother (the greatest babysitter in town...and she's free!) and husband for making it so easy for me to be away from home and the ease I feel that Tyler is be taken care of with love.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Rad Like Dad

We want to thank all of our family for Tyler's cute and huge wardrobe. We've tried to tell our family to shop at the consignment stores and buy second hand clothes for him...because he grows so fast and blows through sizes like there's no tomorrow. Currently he's wearing size 9 to 12 months. His cute pj's below are courtesy of his Auntie Jewel. Jim and I have not had to spend much on Tyler's clothing or toys.

We again want to thank you ALL for this.

Tyler's in Time Out!

I told Tyler if he didn't stop talking through American Idol, I'd put him in time out. Obviously he didn't listen. Check it out though...his mullet is almost gone!

The One Eyed Monster

I don't remember if I was taking his shirt off or putting it on, but I couldn't stop laughing when all I could see was Tyler's one blue eye staring back at me. I quickly grabbed the camera to remember the moment.

New High Chair

Last week I mentioned to my Mom and Jim that I was looking for a high chair on craigslist. I wanted something nice, but cheap! I guess my mom figured that her grandson didn't need a cheap old high chair and purchased this very cute one for little T. Here are just a few pictures I took of Tyler enjoying his new chair. (it's really hard to take just one picture with all his cute facial expressions and it's even harder, after taken so many, to delete ones)

On all things new, Tyler has got to take a taste test.

Rub A Dub

Tyler loves to take a bath and splash around. The first two pictures below, were taken by his auntie Jewel. By the way, those aren't my hairy legs on the last picture.

3-1-09 Family Dinner

Every couple of months, we try to get together at my moms for a dinner and games. Every 3 months I'm doing a photo book for Tyler (up until 12 months), so I'm trying to remember to take my camera with me and get pictures of what we did and where we went. I don't always take lots of pictures and all to often I forget to get everyone, that was there, in the pictures, but hey I barely used my camera before Tyler was born. I just want Tyler to see that he has a big family and from the day he was born they have all been a part of his life.

3 Little Cuties

Well you can tell these three baby boys are use to getting their pictures taken. It just seems like it was yesterday that we had to lay them next to each other, because they couldn't sit up yet, to take a picture. I just love babies and these boys are so freaking cute and photogenic...they are definitely going to be breaking little girls hearts when they get older.

It's amazing how much they have grown in just a few short monthes.



10 Year Kneeland Family Reunion

Time sure flies!

Just 10 years ago, Jim and I were engaged to be married in July, when we met Jim's brother Steve and his family for the first time. Steve was adopted at birth and found his mother in Alaska and father in Washington. Steve is married to Julie and has a son named Zed who was, I believe, almost 4 years old at the time. Zed was so cute and we asked him to be our ring bearer for our wedding. Now, ten year later, we got together a family reunion and celebrated our fast growing family. Steve and Julie adopted 3 beautiful children - Candace (9), Brayden (8), and little Jaden (4). We also had our first born, Tyler (6 months) last summer. I forgot to get the family together for a picture, but I have one from last year below.