Saturday, December 6, 2008

Our Little Buckaroo Turned 4 Months Old Today!

Tyler turned 4 months old today; so to celebrate his father baked a cake and found some candles for him to stare at. He spent the day in his jumperoo and hanging out with his mom and dad. Later in the day he turned over, for the first time, by himself. Also today, while in his swing, he scooted himself almost out of the seat. Don't worry I was watching the whole time... I guess now we need to strap him in. Happy 4 Month Birthday Lil' Man!!


Christen said...

Isn't the time flying by. I can't believe the boys are 4 months already! So cute that Jim baked him a cake!

Lydia said...

cute! He's getting so big.

Welcome to the bolgging world :)

Allison said...

Tara he is so stinking cute. I just want to kiss those cheeks. I love it. Hunter turned 9 months on the 7th. I just love their baby fat they are just so soft and squishy.