Tuesday, June 2, 2009

5/25/09 Memorial Day

What better way to spend the holiday, then to spend it with Family...& a great bbq! It was a nice sunny day and we attempted a game of volleyball. We were going to play boys against girls, but since half of the girls were pregnant and unable to dive for the ball, we decided to split it up. It was fun...or maybe I should say funny...you could tell we all needed some more practice. Afterwards we had some good..no GREAT food and then the kids went on a couple of tractor rides. LAST but certainly not least...PIE & ICE CREAM!!! My favorite! I got a picture of the Oh-So-Yummy pie below!

Tyler didn't want to miss out on the ride...he tried to catch up, but half way up the hill he rolled all the way back.

1 comment:

Vashti said...

Okay honestly that pie was delish!! We had such a blast that day with everyone, so much fun!