Thursday, October 13, 2011

October Pictures

Luke was having a bad. This is his stink face.Then he threw himself on the floor. He can be a little dramatic.
Sometimes when Tyler is in time-out, Luke will go sit next to him. Other times, Tyler will tell Luke to sit in time out. And every once in a while, Luke will put himself in time out. But who doesn't need a little time out every once in a while.
Luke was doing his best to pull Mariah around the house, but couldn't get it to budge until he got a little help.

These two constantly make each other laugh.

More September Pictures

I like to let them pull each other around the hopes that it will help wear them out...but it never really works.
This is how Tyler fell asleep one night. I guess he got to lazy to turn off the light and just put his hat over his head.

Instead of paying to get their pictures taken, my mom and I decided to try and take a few ourselves. The boys weren't really into it and didn't want to sit still, but you take what you can get.

It's nice now that Luke is getting a little bigger and can take on his brother a little better. Everyone is telling me that they think Luke will be the taller one...which I wonder since he sure is catching up to Tyler fast.

I know I know...I'm a bad mom. He's really going to hate me when he get older, huh?

Memorial Weekend

This was Luke's face at the beginning

and here he is at the end of the long family fun filled day

A Day at the Waterslides

I think the most fun day we had this summer was the day we spent at the waterslides. Luke has no fear of the water and Tyler never got tired of running up the stairs to go down the slides.